Used To Be

"... I knew it’d be painful
but not hurt this much..."

Rattling around...
the kids are away,
this house feels hollow
and so does my brain.
In every corner
your ghost... it does roam,
let’s heal all of the heartache -
will you please just come back home.

Let go the jealous...
the rigid demand,
give me the trust
and I will give you my hand.
We’ll bury the petty and
the doubt... the pain,
There’s too much to lose -
and there is so much to gain.

I miss your tender...
your affection and touch,
I knew it’d be painful
but not hurt this much.
The deadness that’s found here
it will not... shake free,
just bring back the joy -
and the way that things used to be.

Copyright © 2016 Stone Bryson. All Rights Reserved.
Written April 2016
About Stone...
Known in many (albeit small) online circles over the past 15 years, Stone Bryson is a poet, storyteller, and essayist. He is working on various writing projects, and lives what he describes as an 'analog life.' He resides in Jackson County, Missouri.